Wires for thermoelectric and compensation cables are standardised in DIN 43713. Thermoelectric voltages within the permissible temperature range correspond to the thermoelectric voltages of thermocouples pursuant to DIN EN 60584-1. Tolerances for thermoelectric and compensation cables are defined in DIN 43722.
There are two classes of accuracy:
GÜNTHER thermoelectric and compensation cables are consistent with the colour coding of DIN 43722, with the exception of thermoelectric cables type U and type L, which are colour coded pursuant to DIN 43714. Tolerances are consistent with accuracy class 2 pursuant to DIN 43722.
For thermocouples type U and type L, the tolerance pursuant to DIN 43719 of ± 3°C applies.
For thermocouple type B, copper wires may be used within a temperature range of up to 100°C. For this reason, DIN 43722 contains no tolerance values for these compensation cables. If compensation cables for type B are required for temperatures above 100°C, the application of specialised compensation cables is necessary. These cables are available upon request.
Guenther Polska Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Wrocławska 27C
55-095 Długołęka
Tel.: 00 48 71 352 70 70
Fax: 00 48 71 352 70 71
E-mail: biuro@guenther.com.pl